
Sunday 24 November 2013

Dah Malam !!

da malam dah ni ngantok plak !! . rase macam nk tid je . tpi tak pe biar siap blog ni dulu


Pallet :
Cargill dan Gold Coin pelet untuk arnab. Harga pasaran untuk 25kg antara RM40 - RM45 Boleh didapati di kebanyakan kedai.

Sukatan pelet yang dicadangkan:

Berat Arnab
Dalam Pounds

1 Tahun Kebawah
( Tahap Pembesaran )

1 Tahun keatas
( Arnab Matang)

Tanpa Had
1/8 cawan
Tanpa Had
¼ ke 1/3 cawan
Tanpa Had
1/3 ke ½  cawan
Tanpa Had
¾  cawan

 Bentuk Pelet

 Kandungan Khasiat

 Lokasi Pengilangan
 Lebih lanjut mengenai jenama Gold Coin tekan disini


Hay :
Alfalfa @ Timothy Hay (rumput kering) diimport dari AmerikaSangat berkhasiat terutama bagi anak-anak arnab berusia 4 minggu kebawah. Sesuai untuk semua jenis arnab. Boleh didapati di kedai-kedai haiwan. Harga sekilo antara RM12-RM14. Hay yang baik adalah berwarna hijau gelap, berbau harum dan juga kurang habuk.

Alfalfa adalah sejenis legume yang paling kaya dengan klorofil. Alfalfa mempunyai akar yang dalam sekurang-kurangnya 30 meter ke bawah tanah. Dengan itu, tumbuhan tersebut dapat menyerap kekayaan dalam tanah seperti: Selenium, Silicon, tin, zink dan galian seperti potasium, prosperos, gangsa, kobalt, kromium, kalsium, mangan, magnesium, besi dengan alfa dan beta karotin, kabohidrat, protien, vitamen A, C, D, E, F dan B komplek, Fibrin dan sedikit lemak. Ia juga mengandungi 8 keperluan asid amino.Alfalfa adalah tumbuhan di dunia yang mempunyai paling banyak alkali. Alkali ini menolong mengimbangkan asid bisa dalam badan. Protien yang terkandung dalam alfalfa adalah 18.9% berbanding dengan daging lembu 16.5%, susu 3.3% dan telur 13.1%.

Sumber : Arnabcute 


Rumput :
Rumput Napier India dua kali ganda lebih baik berbanding Napier Taiwan. Peratus kandungan protein pada daun dan batang Napier India  ialah 20.3% jauh lebih tinggi berbanding Napier Taiwan iaitu hanya 10-13% sahaja. Keputusan ini adalah daripada analisis Makmal MARDI, Serdang. 


Daun :

Asystasia gangetica (dau/rumput israel) , mengandungi Crude Protein yang tinggi berbanding rumput- rumput lain.Boleh juga untuk merawat masalah batin arnab, seperti menyuburkan peranakan arnab agar, sering beranak-pinak .


Panduan kod warna-warna bulu arnab :

Agouti: A rich chestnut shade with black ticking over an intermediate orange band and a slate blue under colour. Ears laced black. Eye circles, underside of tail and belly to be white with slate under colour.
Opal (Blue Agouti) : Top colour pale shade of blue with a fawn band between this and a slate blue under colour. Ears laced blue. Eye circles, underside of tail and belly to be white with slate under colour. 
Cinnamon (Chocolate Agouti): A warm brown shade with brown ticking over an intermediate orange band and a light blue or lilac under colour. Ears laced brown. Eye circles, underside of tail and belly to be white with slate or lilac under colour.
Lynx (Lilac Agouti): Orange-shot-silver. Intermediate colour to be bright orange clearly defined on white under colour. Tips of fur silver, belly, eye circles, inside ears and underside of jowl white. Chest to match flanks.
Chinchilla: A sparkling blend of black and white with black ticking over an intermediate pearly white band with a slate under colour. Ears laced black. Eye circles, underside of tail and belly to be white with slate under colour.

Squirrel (Blue Chinchilla): A sparkling blend of blue and white with blue ticking over an intermediate pearly white band with a light slate under colour. Ears laced blue. Eye circles, underside of tail and belly to be white with light slate under colour.
Chocolate ChinchillaA sparkling blend of brown and white with brown ticking over an intermediate pearly white band with a light slate or lilac under colour. Ears laced brown. Eye circles underside of tail and belly to be white with light slate or lilac under colour.
Lilac Chinchilla: A sparkling blend of lilac and white with lilac ticking over an intermediate pearly white band with a light slate or lilac under colour. Ears laced lilac. Eye circles underside of tail and belly to be white with light slate or lilac under colour.
SelfBlackRich lustrous black, slate blue under colour. 
Blue: A clear, bright medium shade of blue throughout, from tip of fur to skin.
Chocolate: A rich dark chocolate, colour going well down the fur with pearl-grey under colour.
Lilac: A pinky dove-grey through out from tip of fur to skin. 
Blue Eyed White (BEW): As pure white as possible. EYES: Blue.
Red Eyed White (REW): As pure white as possible. EYES: Ruby Red.
ShadedSeal Point: A rich dark sepia brown on ears, nose, feet and tail. Shading to be a lighter colour on the body. 
Siamese Sable: To be rich sepia on back, ears, face, outside of legs and upper side of tail, saddle colour to covet the back of the rabbit from head to tail in an unbroken line, then shading of on flanks, sides and chest to a much paler sepia colour. All blending to be gradual, avoiding blotches and streaks and consisting of a soft and varied diffusion of sepia shading, being lightest on belly.
Siamese Smoke PearlThe saddle to extend from nape to tail to be smoke in colour, shading to pearl grey beige on flanks, chest and belly and to be totally free from white throughout. Head, ears, feet and underside of tail to match saddle as near as possible. All shading to be gradual avoiding blotches or streaks general under colour to match surface colour as closely as possible following the varied shadings throughout
Sooty Fawn: Rich orange saddle, gradually shading to a blue-black on the flanks, haunches and belly ‘Points’ bluish-black. Top colour to go well down the fur with a bluish-white under colour.
Beige (Blue Fawn): Dark chamois or light sandy colour, down to the skin faintly ticked with blue. Hairs tinted light at base, medium in middle and darker at tips. Blue shading on flanks, muzzle, edges of ears. Topsides of hind legs beige, pads blue; Forefeet same as body. Tail beige on top, blue under. Belly beige with deeper blue shading.
Chocolate Tort: Rich orange saddle, gradually shading to a brown on the flanks, haunches and belly ‘Points’ brown. Top colour to go well down the fur with a brownish-white under colour. 
Lilac Tort: Rich orange saddle, gradually shading to a lilac on the flanks, haunches and belly ‘Points’ lilac. Top colour to go well down the fur with a lilac-white under colour.
Tan PatternOtterBody colour to be black, blue, chocolate or lilac uniform to cover back and sides. The under belly to be creamy white also under the chin and tail. A tan border to divide the white and colour an encircle nostril and under chin. A mixture of body colour and tan covers feet. Tan ticking to the chest, flanks and rump. Tan eye circles and nape of neck. The ears to be as body colour laced with tan which covers inside of ears.
Fox: Body colour to be black, blue, chocolate or lilac and to go down the fur as far as possible with under colour of appropriate self colour. Chest, flanks and feet to be well ticked with white guard hairs. Eye circles, inside or ears, underside of jowl and tail, belly and triangle to be white.
Tan: Body colour to be black, blue, chocolate or lilac and to go down the fur as far as possible with under colour of appropriate self colour. Belly, chest, eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowl and tail, and triangle to be rich tan. Face and outside of ears to match body colour.Marten Sable: To be very rich sepia on back, ears, face and outside legs, and upper side of tail, the saddle colour shading of to a paler colour on flanks the dark face colour to blend with chest and flanks, all blending to be gradually avoiding any blotches or streaks and consisting of a soft and varied diffusion of sepia shadings, the dark colour on back to extend from nape to neck to tail, the chest, flanks, rump and feet to be well ticked with longer white hairs, but ears and saddle to be free of white hairs, the light nape of neck to be confined to a triangle behind the ears and to be as small as possible; eye circles, inside of ears, line of jaws, belly and under side of tail to be white. General under colour to match surface colour as closely as possible following the varied shadings throughout. 
Smoke Pearl MartenThe saddle to extend from nape to tail, to be smoke colour, shading to pearl-grey-beige on flanks and chest. Head, ears, feet and upper side of tail to match saddle as near as possible. Chest, flanks, rump and feet to b well ticked with longer white hairs, the light nape of neck to be confined to the triangle behind the ears and to be as small as possible. The eye circles, inside the ear, line of jaw, inside nostrils, inside of legs and feet, belly and under side of tail and triangle to be white. The colour under white belly fur should be fawn.

Any Other Colour (AOC)Orange: Bright orange saddle shading down the flanks. Colour to go well down the fur with a white under colour. Chest to match flanks. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowl and tail, and belly to be white.

Fawn: Warm fawn saddle shading down the flanks. Colour to go well down the fur with a white under colour. Chest to match flanks. Eye circles, inside of ears, underside of jowl and tail, and belly to be white. 
HimalayanColoured nose, ears, feet and tail (black, blue, chocolate an lilac) . Colour as dark as possible. Body colour to be pure white. Eye colour: Red.
BrokenColour of butterfly nose marking, to fully cover nose and top lip. Head markings, white to be in proportion to body colour. Ears to match the body colour. Body colour to extend from tail to shoulders, patches of colour on white of shoulders permissible. Body colour to extend down to flanks. Flanks, chest and belly white, teat spots permissible. No white to be present in general body colour. 
Japanese(Harlequin) : Body Colour to be as orange as possible with (Black, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac) bands over the body for more technical markings view breed standard

MagpieBody Colour to be white with (Black, Blue, Chocolate or Lilac) bands over the body for more technical markings view breed standard 


Arnab menunjukkan sifat dan pergerakan tertentu bertujuan untuk memberitahu yang mereka suka, marah, takut dan sebagainya. Bagi penternak arnab, bahasa arnab sangat penting untuk difahami sebab kita kena tahu apa kehendak arnab ni. Di bawah ni disenaraikan serba sedikit mengenai bahasa arnab.

Mengerik gigi yang lembut – Bermakna arnab anda GEMBIRA(biasa ketika anda mengusap di bahagian 

kegemaran; seperti dipipi, dahi atau belakang telinga.

Bunyi nafas seperti berbisik – arnab anda GEMBIRA

Menghentak kaki belakang – arnab anda TAKUT, RASA TERANCAM,MARAH, dan mungkin juga TERLALU 

GEMBIRA. Biasanya selepas lama dikurung dan dilepas keluar dari sangkar.

Berderam, mengeram, berdesir – ini menandakan arnab andaSEDIA UNTUK MENYERANG, gigit atau cakar. 

jangan ganggu dan biarkan sahaja.

Menjerit dengan kuat – bermakna dia dalam KETAKUTAN yang teramat sangat atau KESAKITAN, DENGAN 
SEGERA perhatikan mereka.

Honking (bunyi seperti angsa) - INGINKAN PERHATIAN atauMENYAMPAH dengan kehadiran anda.

Mencium anda dengan perlahan - ia MENYAMBUT KEHADIRANanda dan minta perhatian

Berlari berpusing pusing dan melompat tinggi (Binky) – TERLALU GEMBIRA

Chinning (mengusap dagunya) – cara arnab MENANDAKAN HAKNYA, termasuk anda

Menggerakan rahang seperti menguyah – arnab anda sedang RELAX.

Makan najis – jangan hairan arnab anda tidak apa apa, ini adalah cara semulajadi arnab MENGAMBIL NUTRIEN.

Menaikkan punggung dan ekor – arnab anda mahu KENCING.

Berlari mengelilingi anda – ia TERTARIK KEPADA ANDA, jika arnab anda bleum dikembiri, ini adalah cara arnab 

menyatakan anda adalah teman yang sesuai.

Menarik baju anda, meletakan kaki hadapan pada anda, atau melompat keatas riba - MINTA PERHATIAN

Cuba menyerang – dengan jelas dia TIDAK SUKA KEHADIRAN ANDA.

Jika ia berlari kesana sini – ia MENIKMATI KEBEBASAN

Jika ia mengigit ketika anda sedang melakukan rutin lain – ia INGINKAN PERHATIAN (jangan marah… gigitan arnab memang sakit tetapi arnab tidak tahu.

Jika arnab anda bergerak menjauhi anda – dia masih WAS-WASdengan anda dan mungkin MERAJUK. Cuba usap dahi dan telinganya dan belai.

Arnab jantan atau betina anda cuba mengawani kaki anda –MENANDAKAN DOMINASINYA .. anda adalah haknya

Jika anda mempunyai sepasang arnab, dan yang jantan mula mendegus, ini menandakan ia bersedia untuk MENGAWAN.

Jika arnab anda terdiri daripada dua jantina yang sama, dan mengelilingi sesama sendiri, itu adalah PERMULAAN PERGADUHAN… asingkan sebelum ada yang mati atau cedera.

Jika arnab betina yang belum dikembiri mula mengumpul daun daun, kertas , atau mencabut bulu ini tandanya ia AKAN MELAHIRKAN ANAK. Tujuan pengumpulan daun dan mencabut bulu adalah untuk MEMBUAT SARANG.

Jika arnab anda kelihatan dalam keadaan cuba mengawan tetapi di bahagian kepala arnab lain, ini cara ia mengatakan.. SAYA ADALAH KETUA…. awasi kerana mungkin terjadi pergaduhan.

Arnab anda termenung atau mogok tak mahu makan dan minum- ambil perhatian arnab anda mungkin sedang SAKIT.

Terbalikkan bekas makanan dan minuman – BERMAIN-MAIN (ia ingin jadikan bekas tersebut sebagai permainan) atau PROTEStunjuk perasaan /MINTA PERHATIAN

Perbuatan seperti mengali tanah dan mengaru garu lantai, hujung sudut sangkar – ini sifat semula jadi arnab yang memang tidak dapat dibuang ia seperti sedang MENGGALI TANAH.

Arnab suka menjilat bulu arnab yang lain-tandanye mereka yang SENANG ANTARA SATU SAMA LAIN dan satu cara MEMBERSIHKAN BULU sesama mereka.